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Showing posts with the label entrepreneurship

Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.

 As a 36 year old woman I have just became familiar with the latest trending dating situation called "ghosting".  If you aren't sure what that means it is when you've been seeing someone romantically and suddenly they just stop talking to you.  No texts messages, snaps or calls, they have basically cut you off entirely, leaving you questioning yourself "What did I do wrong"? Dating today in itself is so confusing and hard how can there possibly be another situation to worry about? At my age you think men would be ready to settle down but no they are looking for the next best thing.  Casual sex, no strings attached sex has become the new normal.  Many of my friends often talk about this and how low there expectations are of actually finding someone to date seriously as we have all had terrible experiences.  If communication is the key in a a relationship why do people ghost? I believe people ghost because it's easier to pull away then to deal with the lac

"I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to be me."

As in my about me this blog is going to be about how I balance my business, family and love life in this crazy world. Single ladies you know where I am coming from with the dating mess nowadays. After being in a dead end relationship where I felt like a mom for 9 years I had decided to end it and move on with my life. It was the best decision I have ever made for myself. As I had felt like I lost my groove just like Stella had. As the months rolled by it was like a breath of fresh air daily. It feels amazing to learn new things about myself and learning to love myself more as each day goes by.  I hope you will stay tuned for this crazy ride we call life together.